Fun times

The Hoopla Fans

Post Hoopla-pizza and the pool

Post Hoopla-pizza and the pool

Isaac playing 8/6/2018

No berry picking! Smores and The Sandlot with the family

Isaac and Leah

True Light Church camp-out worship and baptism

I have shared a lot of sorrows but want you to all know the joys as well.  Had a great weekend at Hoopla and had a blast partying at the pool afterwords.  When I say that we're so well covered by family it's because of all these great people.  Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of Melissa's side of the family, but they've been so unbelievably supportive as well.  Michelle who was here all day Thursday.  Grandma and Grandpa who drove 5 hours just to help all day Friday.  Michael who worked 4 straight days and then went to the radiology appointment with Melissa and Isaac as I couldn't be there.

Keep praying!  The labs are at the University of Michigan right now and we're hoping for a miracle!
